Should your Land Rover sustain accident damage, it is important that it is repaired correctly. Whilst some insurance companies may want you to use repairers recommended by them, the choice is yours. And the better solution is always a Land Rover Body Repair Centre.

Only Approved Body Repair Centres meet Land Rover´s rigorous standards for quality and service - this ensures not only the quality of workmanship (guaranteed for 3 years by the approved Body Repair Centre), but also that your 6-year anti-corrosion warranty and 3-year/ 100 000km vehicle warranty and Care Plans are retained. Furthermore, the use of a non approved body shop could compromiise your vehicle´s warranty and Care Plan. All important factors to take into account when making your repairer choices.

The Highest Standard of Service

Every Land Rover Approved Body Repair Centre is committed to providing a high quality service. You will be given a completion date for all work and receive a report on progress as the work is carried out. Your Land Rover will also be valeted before it is returned to you.

Land Rover Approved Parts

A Land Rover Approved Body Repair Centre will always have available genuine Land Rover Parts and materials that you can insist they use. These parts and materials are the same as those on which your insurance rating and premium were originally based, so your insurer should approve of your choice too.

Land Rover Approved Repair Procedures

Approved Body Shops use only the very latest tools and specialist equipment, along with factory trained technicians, to maintain Land Rover´s exacting standards.

Free Estimates

Approved Body Repair Centres estimates are based on parts, systems and repair procedures that are approved by both the insurers and Land Rover.

Manufacturer and Paintwork Guarantee

When using genuine Land Rover parts, materials and repair methods, Land Rover Approved Body Repair Centres are ensuring your 6-year corrosion (Perforation) warranty and your 3-year/ 100 000km vehicle warranty and Care Plans are not compromised.

Approved Body Repair Centres List

If the unthinkable happens and your vehicle is damaged in any way, it pays to make sure that the repairs are undertaken by people who are qualified to do so. Whilst some insurers may want you to use repairers recommended by them, the choice is yours.



Phone: +264 61 292 4100
Email: infojlr@novelmo.com.na

Independence Avenue